Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis Testing is a useful test to determine the hidden and asymptomatic (subclinical) trends and tendencies that exist in the body. If left unchanged and unaddressed, they can pave the path to development of disease processes in the body. Hence, with the interpretation provided by Hair Mineral Analysis Test , you can take the right actions for your health today!
Let's see what HMTA reveals
The Truth is it is not normal. It’s revealing the underlying problem Just because every woman today goes through PMS, it is accepted as NORMAL.
Trends & Tendencies in The Development of Many Diseases
Healthy periods are an important determinant while evaluating the health of girls/women. Periods are so much about how a woman feels everyday. It’s about her productivity, energy levels, hair, skin, moods and the list is long! Interpretation of the Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis (HMTA) will help you determine not only your trends and tendencies, but also other causes leading to many disorders (including psychological ones). Hair Test (HMTA) is able to show you the potential health problems that may occur at some point in the future. So, Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis (HMTA) can be considered an important element of prevention of diseases. Another benefit of Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis (HMTA) is its ability to determine the ‘model of progress’, i.e. re-evaluating your health in relation to a previous adjustment in eating habits, lifestyle, stress management and physical activity.
In Addition, Also Read – What do You Get By Gut Microbiome Testing? 5 Reasons To Do It!
Balance of Minerals
Without minerals or a set ratio between them, biochemical processes will not occur properly. This is because they’re a component of and starting point for thousands of metabolic enzymes; the decision-making factor determining the condition and performance of glands, organs and tissues; an inseparable element in hormone production; and they guarantee the absorption of vitamins, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, if you analyze the level of or ratio between minerals, you’ll learn about the existing and potential causes of your ailments and diseases.
Degree of Heavy Metal Load in Your Body
By assessing the relative ratios of all toxic metals, Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis (HMTA) is able to precisely establish the degree of accumulation of the most toxic ones, regardless of whether they’re hidden in the brain, lymph nodes, bones or liver.
Extent of Carbohydrate Tolerance
In the era of a high incidence of diabetes (often asymptomatic in its hidden stage), Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis (HMTA) can show a trend or tendency to developing the disease. Hair Mineral and Toxin Analysis (HMTA) has the ability to determine an individualised nutrition and supplementation program that is appropriate for the person in question. Especially since it’s the loss of mineral ratios that’s behind this type of disorder.
For example, in a person with asymptomatic development of diabetes, the tendency can be identified by a quantitative analysis of the ‘spark plugs’ responsible for the biochemical processes involved in diabetes. If there are deficiencies of chromium, zinc, magnesium for eg, they can be adjusted, preventing further progression of this type of tendency.
Patterns of Mental Stress
Biochemical imbalances increase one’s susceptibility to mental stress or mental disorders. Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis Test (HMTA) can determine the outcome of both types of stress, and provide recommendations to correct the trends and tendencies of patterns associated with a propensity for psychiatric disorders.
The State of Your Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system operates without our control. It decides on the quality of sleep, peristalsis (bowel movement), heartbeat, blinking of the eyelids, etc. HMTA can determine and identify the causes of disturbances in its functioning, which may be due to, for example, a lack of specific enzymes (such as ingredients necessary for their production) responsible for the elimination of heavy metals from the body.
Most chronic diseases have biochemical foundations and it can be different for different individuals. So, if you want to get the answer to the question of ‘Who am I metabolically?’, Hair Minerals and Toxins Analysis (HMTA) is what you need. The problem could be your metabolism, which means the capacity of converting individual ingredients into energy.
A hair test can also help you to plan a personalized nutritional diet. If you want to know more then read our article “How Does Hair Mineral and Toxins Analysis Test Guide You For a Personalized Nutrition Plan?“.
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- Harkins, D. K., & Susten, A. S. (2003). Hair analysis: exploring the state of the science. Environmental health perspectives, 111(4), 576–578.
- Chojnacka, K., Zielińska, A., Michalak, I., & Górecki, H. (2010). The effect of dietary habits on mineral composition of human scalp hair. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 30(2), 188–194.